Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween COFFIN HOP free short story. BOO!

Just as promised here's the link for the free short story for Oct. 27-29th. CARNIVAL FREAK is one of those stories that's just kind of creepy so it should be just right for a Halloween treat. COFFIN HOP is a group of horror authors who are giving away prizes and treats, free stories and books, all the way to Halloween and I'm happy to be a part of it.

I hope you enjoy this story and there will be a new one for free beginning Oct. 30-31st so come back here for the link.

Here you are--HAPPY HALLOWEEN:



  1. You're welcome, Jeanette. Happy Halloween.

  2. Looks fantastic, Billie Sue. I love the image to the right of your blog too, really do.

  3. Thank you! So glad I started coffin hopping!

  4. Thank you for the story ~ and for Coffin Hopping to introduce your work ^_^
    Write On!!

  5. Thanks, Cait! Hope you enjoy the stories, Ringois. Happy to do it, Kate, thanks!

  6. Thanks for the free download, Billie. That was very nice of you. I hope you're enjoying the Hop. I'm still working my way down the list... *dashes off*

